Institute Studies Special teaching methods Excursions 2020
Fulda - Star city and monastery landscape

Fulda - Star city and monastery landscape

Today a brewery: the Wiesenmühle in Fulda. Here, Charis Dittmar from the Fulda Environmental Centre (not in the picture) explained the consequences of light pollution.

The long-planned Rhön excursion lasting several days had to be cancelled due to Corona, but at least a visit to the North Hessian city of Fulda could take place as a day excursion on 24 August 2020. Dr Roswitha Kirsch-Stracke and above all student Julian Gick, who comes from Fulda and contributed his good local knowledge, had taken on the preparation.

Fulda is the first "star city" in Germany. For its efforts against light pollution, the city was awarded the title of "Dark-Sky-Community" by the International Dark-Sky-Association (IDA) in January 2019. Isabell Charis Dittmar from the Fulda Environmental Centre explained the consequences of light pollution for biodiversity.

With the head of the Fulda Environmental Centre, Alexander Sust, the group hiked through the Fulda floodplains and visited the Wiesenmühle, one of the oldest surviving mill facilities in Germany. Today its turbines supply the Wiesenmühle brewery with energy.

It became apparent what a landscape-shaping effect centuries of monastic life and economic activity have had. The impression deepened during the walk through the baroque town and the visit to various historical gardens. In the monastery garden of the Franciscans on Frauenberg, master gardener Stefan Geisler presented its historical significance and current use.

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The season was right: the dahlia garden in the city centre was in full bloom.