Interested in spatial planning an environmental justice?

Aims and implementation
What is the French-German Planning Seminar?
Since 1977, the Universities of Hannover and Tours have jointly organised a French-German Planning Seminar every year. In the meantime, the seminar has become an integral part of the curricula of both universities. The seminar takes place in alternating years in a German or a French region. The topics deal with regional planning, urban planning, tourism, nature conservation, rural areas and regional policy. The seminar not only serves to deepen the content of factual issues, but is also intended to promote intercultural exchange and contribute to better mutual understanding. The seminar has been financially supported by the French-German Youth Office since its inception.
Overview of topics and locations of past seminars
Contact Germany
Leibniz University of Hanover,
Institute for Environmental Planning,
Department of Spatial Planning and Regional Development
- Dipl.-Ing. Magrit Putschky (since 2013)
- Dipl.-Ing. Meike Levin-Keitel (2007-2012)
- Dr. Annette Lang (1999-2006) Dr. Frank Scholles (since 1993)
- Dipl.-Ing. Richard Popp (1978-1991) Prof. Dr. Hans Günter Barth (until 2003)
Contact France
Université François Rabelais Tours,
Ecole Polytechnique,
Department of Aménagement et Environenment
- Dr. Eric Thomas (since 2000)
- Dr Marc André Philippe (2004-2014)
- Prof. Bernard Leroi (1992-2003)
- Prof. Gustave Vergneau (1989-1993)
- Prof. René Perrin (1977-1992)