Institute Institute Employees Christina von Haaren Research projects
Methodology of the ‘Eingriffsregelung’ in a nationwide comparison

Methodology of the ‘Eingriffsregelung’ in a nationwide comparison

Led by:  Prof. Dr. Christina von Haaren (The overall project is headed by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. iur. Andreas Mengel, University of Kassel, Head of the Department of Politics and Law of Spatial Development in the European Context)
Team:  M.Sc. Linda Funke, Dipl.-Ing. Janita Volkers, Dipl.-Ing. Carolin Galler (IUP part)
Year:  2014
Funding:  Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN); on behalf of and with funds from the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)
Duration:  October 2010 - June 2014
Is Finished:  yes

Link: PDF Project flyer ‘Eingriffsregelung’

The Institute for Environmental Planning of the Leibniz University of Hanover together with the engineering office Bosch und Partner GmbH are cooperation partners in the project led by the department "Politics and Law of Spatial Development in the European Context" of the University of Kassel. Within the framework of the R+D project, based on a nationwide research of already applied professional standards as well as experiences from practical work (survey, best practice examples), it was investigated which methodological building blocks are suitable for a nationwide uniform application of the "Eingriffsregelung" (impact mitigation regulation) and in which fields methodological further developments would be target-oriented. Technical recommendations for the contents of a legal ordinance according to § 15 (7) BNatSchG were developed. These technical recommendations were taken into account by the BMU in the preparation of a draft ordinance ( In the further course of the project, it is planned to prepare a guideline with instructions for practical application.