Interested in spatial planning an environmental justice?

Since September 2020, a digital tool for the participation of citizens in the energy transition process has been developed as part of the "Local Energy Transition Dialogue" project. In the application, results of nationwide area potential analyses are displayed for a municipality area. On these areas, the participants distribute energy plants: two wind turbines, one ground-mounted PV plant and roof-mounted PV can be selected. Potential energy yields are determined for the plants and these are compared with the development goal to be achieved by the municipality.
During a one-day workshop on 24 June 2021, the first version of the application and hardware was put through its paces by 17 students in three small groups: Is the system understandable? Do all calculations and displays work? Are colours and icons recognisable on the touch table?
Julia Thiele and Julia Wiehe, together with their colleagues from the Climate Protection Agency Hannover Region and IP SYSCON GmbH, were delighted with the lively discussions. For many students, it was their first visit to the university after a long period of studying at home. The helpful feedback is now being incorporated into the further development of "Vision:En 2040" and the associated event concept.