
Showing results 61 - 80 out of 379


Hermes, J., Albert, C., & von Haaren, C. (2020). Erfassung und Bewertung der kulturellen Ökosystemleistung Naherholung in Deutschland. UVP Report : Informationen zu Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung, Umweltmanagement und nachhaltiger Entwicklung, 34(2), 61-70.
Luo, T., Lin, Y., von Haaren, C., & Wang, Z. (2020). Values and Legal Framework of German Landscape Planning and the Implications. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE FRONTIERS, 8(1), 10-25.
Schrenner, H., Schulz-Zunkel, C., Rast, G., Gapinski, C., Anlanger, C., Bondar-Kunze, E., Brauns, M., Dziock, F., von Haaren, C., Hein, T., Henle, K., Kasperidus, H. D., Klimmer, N., Koll, K., König, M., Kretz, L., Krummhaar, B., Sprößig, C., Schnauder, I., ... Wirth, C. (2020). Reflexion des Naturschutz-, Forschungs- und Umweltbildungsprojekts "Wilde Mulde": „Der Schotter bleibt drin!“. AuenMagazin, 2020(17), 22-27.
Thiele, J., Albert, C., Hermes, J., & von Haaren, C. (2020). Assessing and quantifying offered cultural ecosystem services of German river landscapes. Ecosystem Services, 42, Article 101080.
von Haaren, C., Lovett, A., Albert, C., & Albert, I. (2020). HOCHWEIT 2020: Landscape planning with ecosystem services. In Hochweit 2020: Jahrbuch der Fakultät für Architektur und Landschaft, Leibniz Universität Hannover (pp. 164). Jovis Verlag.
Wen, C., Albert, C., & von Haaren, C. (2020). Equality in access to urban green spaces: A case study in Hannover, Germany, with a focus on the elderly population. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 55, Article 126820.
Wen, C., Albert, C., & von Haaren, C. (2020). 克里斯蒂娜·冯·哈伦.稳定与变革: 德国景观规划在空间规划中的基础作用及社会变化下的挑战. Beijing Landscape Architecture Journal, 27(1), 41 - 46.
Wiehe, J., von Haaren, C., & Walter, A. M. (2020). How to achieve the climate targets? Spatial planning in the context of the German energy transition. Energy, Sustainability and Society, 10(1), Article 10.
Wiehe, J., Thiele, J., Walter, A., Hashemifarzad, A., Zum Hingst, J., & von Haaren, C. (2020). Nothing to regret: Reconciling renewable energies with human wellbeing and nature in the German Energy Transition. International Journal of Energy Research, 45(1), 745-758.,


Albert, C., & von Haaren, C. (2019). Developing Landscape Planning Objectives and Measures. In C. von Haaren, A. A. Lovett, & C. Albert (Eds.), Landscape Planning with Ecosystem Services: Theories and Methods for Application in Europe (1. ed., pp. 329-340). (Landscape Series; Vol. 24). Springer Verlag.
Albert, C., von Haaren, C., Klug, H., & Weber, R. (2019). Leitbilder and Scenarios in Landscape Planning. In C. von Haaren, A. A. Lovett, & C. Albert (Eds.), Landscape Planning with Ecosystem Services: Theories and Methods for Application in Europe (1. ed., pp. 423-433). (Landscape Series; Vol. 24). Springer Verlag.
Albert, C., Boll, T., Haus, P., Hermes, J., & von Haaren, C. (2019). Measures for Landscape Aesthetics and Recreational Quality. In C. von Haaren, A. A. Lovett, & C. Albert (Eds.), Landscape Planning with Ecosystem Services: Theories and Methods for Application in Europe (1. ed., pp. 381-387). (Landscape Series; Vol. 24). Springer Verlag.
Albert, C., von Haaren, C., & Lovett, A. (2019). Synthesis and Prospects for Landscape Planning. In C. von Haaren, A. A. Lovett, & C. Albert (Eds.), Landscape Planning with Ecosystem Services: Theories and Methods for Application in Europe (1. ed., pp. 495-499). (Landscape Series; Vol. 24). Springer Verlag.
Carvalho Ribeiro, S., Schroth, O., Konkoly-Gyuró, E., Hermes, J., Boll, T., & von Haaren, C. (2019). Landscape Aesthetics Capacity as a Cultural Ecosystem Service. In C. von Haaren, A. A. Lovett, & C. Albert (Eds.), Landscape Planning with Ecosystem Services: Theories and Methods for Application in Europe (1. ed., pp. 221-252). (Landscape Series; Vol. 24). Springer Verlag.
Hansjürgens, B., Broll, G., Eser, U., Fischer, J.-U., Grathwohl, P., von Haaren, C., Köpke, U., Roß-Nickoll, M., Rück, F., Schnug, E., Wiggering, H., & Zeitz, J. (2019). Das Konzept der Ökosystemleistungen - ein Gewinn für den Bodenschutz: Position der Kommission Bodenschutz beim Umweltbundesamt (KBU). Umweltbundesamt.
Kempa, D., & Lovett, A. (2019). Using GIS in Landscape Planning. In C. van Haaren, A. A. Lovett, & C. Albert (Eds.), Landscape Planning with Ecosystem Services: Theories and Methods for Application in Europe (1. ed., pp. 77-88). (Landscape Series (LAEC); Vol. 24). Springer.
Krätzig, S., Galler, C., & Warren-Kretzschmar, B. (2019). Techniques for Participatory Approaches. In C. von Haaren, A. Lovett, & C. Albert (Eds.), Landscape Planning with Ecosystem Services – Theories and Methods for Application in Europe. (pp. 437-452). ( Landscape Series). Springer Nature.
Lange-Kabitz, C., Bredemeier, B., von Haaren, C., & Barkmann, J. (2019). Measures for Biodiversity. In C. von Haaren, A. A. Lovett, & C. Albert (Eds.), Landscape Planning with Ecosystem Services: Theories and Methods for Application in Europe (1. ed., pp. 389-408). (Landscape Series; Vol. 24). Springer Verlag.
Shandas, V., von Haaren, C., Shimizu, H., Alterman, R., & Lovett, A. (2019). Perspectives From Outside the EU: The Influence of Legal and Planning Frameworks on Landscape Planning. In C. von Haaren, A. A. Lovett, & C. Albert (Eds.), Landscape Planning with Ecosystem Services: Theories and Methods for Application in Europe (1. ed., pp. 463-494). (Landscape Series; Vol. 24). Springer Verlag.
Sybertz, J., Matthies, S., Schaarschmidt, F., Reich, M., & von Haaren, C. (2019). Biodiversity modelling in practice: Predicting bird and woody plant species richness on farmlands. Ecosystems and People, 16(1), 19-34.,