Andrea Nóblega Carriquiry is working since the beginning of April as a guest researcher at the Institute of Environmental Planning in close cooperation with the Working Group Digital Environmental Planning and the junior research group SEE-URBAN-WATER. Andrea holds a B.Sc. degree with honours in architecture and obtained a double master’s degree in International Cooperation in Urban Development (TU Darmstadt) and International Cooperation: Sustainable Emergency Architecture (UIC Barcelona).
Her current research focuses on the socio-ecological and politic-ecological facets of Nature-based Solutions and how they can contribute to more just and sustainable urban flood management strategies. During her 3 months stay, Andrea will take a closer look at Kronsberg and the Eco-Village Hannover in the context of her research. Furthermore, she contributes to teaching at Leibniz University by offering a master project on Cultural Ecosystem Services and Blue-Green Infrastructures through the socio-ecological analysis of these two neighborhoods.