
Working Group Landscape Planning and Nature Conservation

Showing results 141 - 160 out of 493


Schomers, S. (2019). Intermediaries within the governance structures of payments for ecosystem services: cost-effectiveness and environmental effectiveness from an institutional economic perspective. [Doctoral thesis, Leibniz University Hannover]. Leibniz Universität Hannover.
Shandas, V., von Haaren, C., Shimizu, H., Alterman, R., & Lovett, A. (2019). Perspectives From Outside the EU: The Influence of Legal and Planning Frameworks on Landscape Planning. In C. von Haaren, A. A. Lovett, & C. Albert (Eds.), Landscape Planning with Ecosystem Services: Theories and Methods for Application in Europe (1. ed., pp. 463-494). (Landscape Series; Vol. 24). Springer Verlag.
Sybertz, J., Matthies, S., Schaarschmidt, F., Reich, M., & von Haaren, C. (2019). Biodiversity modelling in practice: Predicting bird and woody plant species richness on farmlands. Ecosystems and People, 16(1), 19-34.,
Thiele, J., von Haaren, C., & Albert, C. (2019). Are river landscapes outstanding in providing cultural ecosystem services? An indicator-based exploration in Germany. Ecological Indicators, 101, 31-40.
Thiele, J., von Haaren, C., & Albert, C. (2019). Umweltleistungen sichtbar machen: Ein neuer Index erleichtert die Bewirtschaftung von Flüssen. In Fakultät für Architektur und Landschaft, Leibniz Universität Hannover (Ed.), Hochweit 2019: Jahrbuch 2019 der Fakultät für Architektur und Landschaft, Leibniz Universität Hannover (pp. 168-168). (Hochweit : Jahrbuch der Fakultät für Architektur und Landschaft). Jovis Verlag.
von Haaren, C., & Bug, J. (2019). Identification and Evaluation of Habitat Development Potentials. In C. von Haaren, A. A. Lovett, & C. Albert (Eds.), Landscape Planning with Ecosystem Services: Theories and Methods for Application in Europe (1. ed., pp. 267-276). ( Landscape Series; Vol. 24). Springer Verlag.
von Haaren, C., Lovett, A., & Albert, C. (2019). Landscape Planning and Ecosystem Services: The Sum is More than the Parts. In C. von Haaren, A. A. Lovett, & C. Albert (Eds.), Landscape Planning with Ecosystem Services: Theories and Methods for Application in Europe (1. ed., pp. 3-9). (Landscape Series; Vol. 24). Springer Verlag.
von Haaren, C., & Vollheyde, A. L. (2019). Landscape planning in Germany: Not loved by all, but badly needed. International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, 7(4), 148-166.
von Haaren, C., Lovett, A., & Albert, C. (Eds.) (2019). Landscape Planning with Ecosystem Services: Theories and Methods for Application in Europe. (1. ed.) (Landscape Series; Vol. 24). Springer Verlag.
von Haaren, C., Lovett, A., & Albert, C. (2019). Objectives and Structure of the Book. In C. von Haaren, A. A. Lovett, & C. Albert (Eds.), Landscape Planning with Ecosystem Services: Theories and Methods for Application in Europe (1. ed., pp. 11-18). (Landscape Series; Vol. 24). Springer Verlag.
von Haaren, C., & Othengrafen, F. (2019). The Babel Fish Toolkit: Understanding and Using Behavioural Mechanisms and Interventions in Landscape Planning. DISP, 55(2), 22-35.
von Haaren, C., & Lovett, A. (2019). The Basis of Evaluation: Legal, Economic and Social Values. In C. von Haaren, A. A. Lovett, & C. Albert (Eds.), Landscape Planning with Ecosystem Services: Theories and Methods for Application in Europe (1. ed., pp. 43-63). (Landscape Series; Vol. 24). Springer Verlag.
von Haaren, C., Lovett, A., & Albert, C. (2019). Theories and Methods for Ecosystem Services Assessment in Landscape Planning. In C. von Haaren, A. A. Lovett, & C. Albert (Eds.), Landscape Planning with Ecosystem Services: Theories and Methods for Application in Europe (1. ed., pp. 19-42). (Landscape Series; Vol. 24). Springer Verlag.,
Warren-Kretzschmar, B., & von Haaren, C. (2019). Design in Landscape Planning Solutions. In C. von Haaren, A. A. Lovett, & C. Albert (Eds.), Landscape Planning with Ecosystem Services: Theories and Methods for Application in Europe (1. ed., pp. 453-460). (Landscape Series; Vol. 24). Springer Verlag.
Wen, C. (2019). The elderly in green spaces: understanding, mapping, and planning for nature-based recreation. [Doctoral thesis, Leibniz University Hannover]. Leibniz Universität Hannover.


Badelt, O., Heuer, P., Mamali, M., Kapiota, A., & Ntouni, E. (2018). Green Networks Exarchia. Resilience Strategy 2050. In F. Othengrafen, & K. Serraos (Eds.), Urban Resilience, Climate Change and Adaptation. Coping with Heat Islands in the Dense Urban Area of Athens, Greece (pp. 105-116)
Bredemeier, B., Sybertz, J., von Haaren, C., Matthies, S., Reich, M., Weller, M., & Kempa, D. (2018). Ergebnisbericht aus dem Forschungsvorhaben "Firmen fördern Vielfalt": Praxistaugliche Erfassung, Bewertung und Darstellung der Biodiversität auf Zulieferbetrieben von Nahrungsmittelunternehmen. Selbstverlag des Instituts für Umweltplanung.
Bredemeier, B., Sybertz, J., von Haaren, C., Matthies, S., Reich, M., Weller, M., & Kempa, D. (2018). Practicable recording, assessment and visualisation of on-site biodiversity of agricultural suppliers of food companies: Executive summary of the research project: “Firmen fördern Vielfalt” (companies foster biodiversity).
Burkhard, K., Schlattmann, A., Neuendorf, F., von Haaren, C., & Mauser, W. (2018). Application of remote sensing and big data for global water use sustainability assessment and monitoring. In 7th International Conference on Cartography and GIS Proceedings: Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 (pp. 765-773). Article 84 Bulgarian Cartographic Association.
Delzeit, R., Lewandowski, I., Arslan, A., Cadisch, G., Erisman, J. W., Ewert, F., Klein, A., von Haaren, C., Lotze-Campen, H., Mauser, W., Plieninger, T., Ratjen, A., Tekken, V., Wolters, V., & Brüggemann, N. (2018). How the sustainable intensification of agriculture can contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals: The need for specific socio-ecological solutions at all spatial levels. The German Committee Future Earth.