
Showing results 1 - 20 out of 31


Boll, T., von Haaren, C., & von Ruschkowski, E. (2014). The preference and actual use of different types of rural recreation areas by urban dwellers: The Hamburg case study. PLOS ONE, 9(10).,
Mannstedt, T., von Ruschkowski, E., & Rüter, S. (2014). Integratives und präventives Bibermanagement: Erfahrungen aus einem NABU-Projekt in der südlichen Leineaue bei Hannover. In K. A. Nitsche (Ed.), Nationale Biber-Tagung 2014. (pp. 87-90).
Mannstedt, T., von Ruschkowski, E., & Rüter, S. (2014). Willkommen Biber. Tipps für eine erfolgreiche Öffentlichkeitsarbeit zum Biber. Nabu Laatzen e.V.


Arnberger, A., von Ruschkowski, E., Burns, R., & Salasová, A. (2013). Addressing Challenges in Managing Recreation in Protected Areas in an International Context: The International Summer Schools on Natural Resource and Recreation Management in Protected Areas.. 27-28. Paper presented at 5th Symposium for Research in Protected Areas, Mittersill, Austria.
von Ruschkowski, E., & Fish, T. E. (2013). Introduction to the Special Issue "Striving toward Best Practices: Innovations in International Protected Area Capacity Development". The George Wright Forum, 30(2), 135-136.
von Ruschkowski, E., Burns, R., Arnberger, A., Smaldone, D., & Meybin, J. (2013). Recreation Management in Parks and Protected Areas: A Comparative Study of Resource Managers Perceptions in Austria, Germany, and the United States. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration, 31(2), 95-114.
von Ruschkowski, E., Arnberger, A., Burns, R. C., Fish, T. E., & Salasová, A. (2013). Training Future Decision-Makers in Park Management: Transatlantic Capacity Building through the EUs ERASMUS Programme. The George Wright Forum, 30(2), 190-199.


van Riper, C., Powell, R., van Wagtendonk, J., Machlis, G., Galipeau, R., van Riper, C., & von Ruschkowski, E. (2012). Integrated science and interdisciplinary research for parks and protected areas. In S. Weber (Ed.), Rethinking Protected Areas in a Changing World: Proceedings of the 2011 GWS Biennial Conference on Parks, Protected Areas, and Cultural Sites.: The George Wright Society, Hancock, MI. (pp. 350-355)
van Riper, C., Powell, R., Machlis, G., van Wagtendonk, J., van Riper, C., von Ruschkowski, E., Schwarzbach, S., & Galipeau, R. (2012). Using Integrated Research and Interdisciplinary Science: Potential Benefits and Challenges to Managers of Parks and Protected Areas. The George Wright Forum, 29(2), 216-226.
von Ruschkowski, E., Arnberger, A., & Burns, R. (2012). Addressing challenges in managing recreation in protected areas: a cross-cultural approach. In P. Fredman, M. Stenseke, H. Lijendahl, A. Mossing, & D. Laven (Eds.), MMV 6 – Outdoor recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges: ((MMV 6, Stockholm, August 21-24, 2012)
von Ruschkowski, E., Arnberger, A., Burns, R., Elands, B., & Salasová, A. (2012). Internationalizing academic training in parks and protected area management through the EU's ERASMUS programme. In P. Fredman, M. Stenseke, H. Lijendahl, A. Mossing, & D. Laven (Eds.), MMV 6 – Outdoor recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges: (MMV 6, Stockholm, August 21-24, 2012) (pp. 394)
von Ruschkowski, E., Arnberger, A., & Burns, R. (2012). Recreational use and visitor motivations at Torfhaus visitor area in Harz National Park, Germany. In MMV 6 – Outdoor recreation in Change – Current Knowledge and Future Challenges: (MMV 6, Stockholm, August 21-24, 2012) (pp. 36-37)


von Ruschkowski, E., & Mayer, M. (2011). From Conflict to Partnership? Interactions between Protected Areas, Local Communities and Operators of Tourism Enterprises in Two German National Park Regions. Journal of Tourism and Leisure Studies, 17(2), 147-182.


Burns, R., Arnberger, A., & von Ruschkowski, E. (2010). Social Carrying Capacity Challenges in Parks, Forests, and Protected Areas: An Examination of Transatlantic Methodologies and Practices. International Journal for Sociology, special issue on the application of social science to parks and protected areas. International Journal of Sociology, 40(3), 30-50.
Lehrke, F., von Ruschkowski, E., & Rüter, S. (2010). Mountain bikers, recreationists, land owners and conservationists: Multiple conflicts in Hannover´s Deister region. In M. Goossen, B. Elands, & R. van Marwijk (Eds.), Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world.: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas. (pp. 56-57).
Lipski, A., Rüter, S., Hachmann, R., & von Ruschkowski, E. (2010). Digitale Artenerfassung im ehrenamtlichen Naturschutz. Anforderungen und technische Lösungen am Beispiel des eMapper. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung, 42(8), 235-242.
Rüter, S., Hachmann, R., Krohn-Grimberghe, S., Laske, D., Lipski, A., & von Ruschkowski, E. (2010). GIS-gestütztes Gebietsmonitoring im ehrenamtlichen Naturschutz. Ibidem-Verlag.
von Ruschkowski, E. (2010). Causes and Potential Solutions for Conflicts between Protected Area Management and Local People in Germany. In S. Weber (Ed.), Rethinking Protected Areas in a Changing World.: Proceedings of the 2009 George Wright Society Biennial Conference on Parks, Protected Areas, and Cultural Sites
von Ruschkowski, E. (2010). Integrating local community interests in large proteced area management – challenges and opportunities. In M. Goossen, B. Elands, & R. van Marwijk (Eds.), Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world.: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas. (pp. 249-250).
von Ruschkowski, E. (2010). Nachhaltigkeit in Biosphärenreservaten – welche Rolle spielt die Planung? In Schriftenreihe des Deutschen Rats für Landespflege: Heft 83 (pp. 120-122)