Showing results 1 - 13 out of 13
Nagabhatla, N., Padmanabhan, M., Kühle, P., Vishnudas, S., Betz, L., & Niemeyer, B. (2015). LCLUC as an entry point for transdisciplinary research – reflections from an agriculture land use change study in South Asia. Journal of Environmental Management, Management-LCLUC special issue by NASA LCLUC Program 148, 42-52.
Nagabhatla, N., Padmanabhan, M., Betz, L., Monish, J., Kunze, I., Werner, S., Höing, A., Parameswaran, P., & Vishnudas, S. (2014). What is sustainable use of agrobiodiversity? Integrating perspectives on land use change & social transition. In Presentation at the Session: Migration, Rural Livelihoods and Natural Resource Management: Taking examples from Asian countries. June 12th. At: 20th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management (ISSRM). Leibniz University Hannover (LUH), Germany June 8-13, 2014.
Padmanabhan, M., Nagabhatla, N., Monish, J., Betz, L., Thamaracheriyil Ramachandran, S., & Werner, S. (2014). Food for thought. Managing land use change in Wayanad. BioDIVA Briefing Note 6.
Werner, S., & Padmanabhan, M. (2014). Feedback loops. Multi-level stakeholder workshops in transdisciplinary research. BioDIVA Briefing Note 7.
Arpke, H., Kunze, I., Betz, L., Parameswaran, P., Thamaracheriyil Ramachandran, S., & Padmanabhan, M. (2013). Resilience in transformation: A study into the capacity for resilience in indigenous communities in Wayanad. (BioDIVA Briefing Note; No. 2).
Christinck, A., & Padmanabhan, M. (2013). Cultivate Diversity! A handbook on transdisciplinary approaches to agrobiodiversity research. Margraf Publishers.
Werner, S., Padmanabhan, M., & Christinck, A. (2013). Adding value to research through partnerships: Interdisciplinary and intercultural diversity in agrobiodiversity research. In A. Christinck, & M. Padmanabhan (Eds.), Cultivate Diversity! : A Handbook on Transdisciplinary Approaches to Agrobiodiversity Research. (pp. 93-114). Margraf Publishers.
Nagabhatla, N., & Padmanabhan, M. (2012). Socializing the Pixels: demonstrating application of geospatial tools for socio-ecological research: The case of Wayanad. In NCCR North South. International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD): Research for Global Transformation. Pre-Conference Proceedings, 20-22nd August, 2012, NCCR- North-South Dialogue 44 Bern, Switzerland: NCCR- North-South. (pp. 69)
Padmanabhan, M., & Jungcurt, S. (2012). Biocomplexity – conceptual challenges for institutional analysis in biodiversity governance. Ecological Economics, (81), 70-79.
Padmanabhan, M. (2012). Geschlechtergerechte Transformationsprozesse in Indien. In GenderKompetenz in Architektur Landschaft Planung. Ideen Impulse Initiativen.: Schrift enreihe des Forums für Gender Kompetenz in Architektur Landschaft Planung, gender_archland: Weiter_Denken 3 (pp. 118-128).
Padmanabhan, M. (2011). Institutional Innovations and Gender Equity in Agrobiodiversity Management: Collective Action in Kerala, South India. Society & natural resources, 24(2), 174-184.
Padmanabhan, M. (2011). Marti Kheel: Nature Ethics: An Ecofeminist Perspective. Agriculture and Human Values, 28(3), 453-454.
Padmanabhan, M. (2011). Women and men as conservers, users and managers of agrobiodiversity. A feminist social-ecological approach. The Journal of Socio-Economics, (40), 968-976.