In December 2023, Dr Katharina Kapitza (ARL - Academy for Spatial Development in the Leibniz Association) gave exciting insights into ‘Gender.Power.Transformation - Gender Perspectives on Climate Resilience and Urban Development’ as part of the ‘Tuesdays at 6’ lecture series. She began by drawing a link between climate crises and resilience in urban development. In doing so, she highlighted social inequalities and injustice. She then focussed on theoretical considerations on gender perspectives and intersectionality. Interesting examples of gender planning rounded off the lecture. This was followed by a lively discussion with around 30 interested participants. This event was organised and moderated by the FAL's decentralised gender equality officers. In 2024, the decentralised equal opportunities officers at FAL will continue to pursue important goals in order to anchor equal opportunities as a cross-sectional task. Among other things, a logo will be developed and a quiet room at the IUP will be designed together with trainees from the Institute of Vocational Sciences in Civil Engineering (Instituts für Berufswissenschaften im Bauwesen (IBW)).