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Landschaftsbezogene Identität

Ansätze zur Konzeptualisierung, Erfassung und Integration in Place Branding-Prozesse

authored by
Falco Knaps, Sylvia Herrmann, Tanja Mölders

Integrating place identity is seen to be a crucial factor for successful place branding. However, in many cases, the term place identity is conceptualized not at all or in a simplifying way. This study aims to present a theory-based approach for using place identity in an applied context such as place branding. This occurs using the example of the Regiobranding research project, in which landscape identity - as a specified variant of place identity - was systematically surveyed. Starting from social-constructivist landscape approaches, landscape identity is presented as an individual and social representation of characteristic, typical landscapes and related place attachments. In the empirical part, individual interpretations of landscape identity were assessed in a rural case study region, using qualitative interviews. By a cross-case-analysis, the appropriated identity-forming landscape became visible. The latter is composed by points of reference, which are repeatedly given the meaning to be characteristic and which are frequently activated for place attachments. The results showed a high range of reference points, including various descriptions, connections, and emotional ties. Furthermore, the cross-case analysis revealed contradictory patterns of interpretation. Our study highlights that landscape identity is foremost an individual construction, which in comparison is neither unambiguous nor without contradictions. Within this context, practical implications for using landscape identity in place branding are presented.

Institute of Environmental Planning
Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences
Conference contribution
No. of pages
Publication date
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Electronic version(s) (Access: Open)