Interesse am Thema Umweltgerechtigkeit oder einer Postdoc-Mitarbeit im Bereich Landschaftsplanung?
Vorträge und Präsentationen
19.11.2019: Zukunftskongress – Wohin gehst du, Heimat? Katholischen Akademie Stapelfeld und Moormuseum Emsland. Nora Mehnen: „Was bringt die Zukunft? Herausforderungen für die Landkreise Cloppenburg, Emsland und Vechta“
01.08.2019: KinderUni Juist „Nachhaltig Leben“. Nora Mehnen: „Leben auf dem Land in Zeiten des demografischen Wandels. (Wie) Geht das? Was bedeutet das für mich?“
21.- 23.02.2019: 8. Nachwuchsworkshop & 23. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises „Ländliche Räume“ „Transformationsprozesse in ländlichen Räumen – Analyse, Bewertung und Gestaltung“, Göttingen. Nora Mehnen & Ingo Mose: „Transformationsprozesse im niedersächsischen Wattenmeer-Raum – Analyse, Bewertung und Gestaltung – Beobachtungen aus vier Gemeinden“
10. – 14.06.2018: Symposium „The changing futures of islands“, 16th ISISA Islands of the World Conference 2018, Leeuwarden – Terschelling, The Netherlands. Nora Mehnen: „Wadden Sea Islands as test beds for sustainable development and laboratories for innovation – Examples from the island of Juist (Germany) and Ameland (The Netherlands)“.
20.08 – 23.08.2014: The 7th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors in Recreational and Protected Areas (MMV) Tallinn, Estonia. Sijtsma, F. and Mehnen, N. (2014): Monitoring the attractiveness of an UNESCO World Heritage region: identifying 14 million fans of the international Wadden area.
01.07. – 03.07.2013: 4th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Emotional Geographies, Groningen, The Netherlands, Session: Economics, well-being and nature. Spatial mapping & psychological categorization of the value of (deep) feelings in natural areas; Chairs: Frans Sijtsma and Nora Davis; presenting Sijtsma, F. and Mehnen, N. (2013): Spatial monitoring of economics and well-being in a high valued rural area: the case of the international Wadden Area
30.05.2013: 3rd Trilateral Workshop Oldenburg – Bremen –Groningen “Is coastal tourism ready for the next generation? – Germany and the Netherlands in comparison”, Oldenburg University, Germany; Panel discussion: “The sustainability challenge: Future perspectives for tourism in the Wadden Sea region”
26.08. – 30.08.2012: IGC 2012, Cologne: Society & Environment; Session: Protected areas, biodiversity and tourism planning – preparing for global challenges; Chairs: Susanne Becken & Hubert Job; presenting Mehnen, N., Mose, I. and Strijker, D. (2012): Tourism, sustainability and governance in National Parks - the case of the Peak District National Park, UK
29.08. – 31.08. 2011: EUGEO 2011 London, UK at the Royal Geographical (Society Sustainability and the Environment: Session topics may include: climate change; energy, water and food production and security; biodiversity and habitat; conservation; environmental management; presentation: Help to involve actors in Protected Landscapes - Evidence from the Peak District National Park, UK)
01.07. – 04.07.2010: IGU Conference 2010: Wellbeing, Innovation and Spatial Transformation; Groningen, The Netherlands; presentation: Regional governance and protected landscapes: Theoretical considerations and first results of a case study
30.04. – 02.05.2010: The Conference of Irish Geographers 2010, NUI Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland, Session: Natural Resource Planning and Governance – Politics and Conflicting Narratives of Nature and Development; Convener: Noel Healy (NUI Galway); paper presented: "More than only old wine in new wineskins"? - A critical view of regional governance and protected areas
23.11.2009: Kolloquium zur Nachhaltigen Raumentwicklung: “Naturschutz und Nachhaltigkeit: Herausforderungen für das 21. Jahrhundert”; presentation: Governance von Naturparken in Europa – Ergebnisse einer Delphi-Studie
17.08. – 21.08.2009: The XXIII ESRS congress RE-INVENTING THE RURAL BETWEEN THE SOCIAL AND THE NATURAL, Vaasa, Finland; Working Group 2.5 "Governing the Local? Rural Power, Rural Needs and Rural Policy"; paper presented: Governance in Protected Areas - current state of research and existing research gaps.
02.07. – 04.07.2009: 1st International Conference on Landscape Economics, Vienna, Austria; paper presented: Governance in Protected Areas - current state of research and existing research gaps.