Institute Institute News
EU research project contracts2.0 publishes handbook for policymakers

EU research project contracts2.0 publishes handbook for policymakers

Copyright: K. Karkow

Biodiversity in agricultural landscapes requires flexible framework conditions.

The Institute of Environmental Planning (IUP) was actively involved in the project contracts2.0, funded by the EU under Horizon 2020, in the past four years (2019-2023). The IUP was working on characterizing different contract types, led the HiPP Contract Innovation Lab (CIL) on value chain approaches, and successfully contributed to the generation of transdisciplinary research results.

In the Contracts2.0 project, approaches such as co-design and bottom-up principles as well as the involvement of all relevant stakeholders played a major role. The project team was able to show that the many economic and ecological advantages that novel contractual solutions can bring are worth the initial effort they require. Farmers are willing to implement innovative approaches if their contractual agreements are motivating rather than restrictive and reliable rather than vague. The administrative focus should be on compliance with practical principles rather than rigid regulations.

The published handbook entitles “Co-Creating Contracts – Designing innovative agri-environmental schemes – A guide for policymakers” can be accessed via the following web link:

All results and publications of the Contracts2.0 project can be found on the website:    

A summarising project video can be watched here:

The full press release can be found here:

We thank all partners for their extraordinary commitment and contributions over the years.