We are excited to announce the upcoming 19th AESOP Young Academics Conference, with the focus on ’Circular Cities and Regions - Planning for Sustainable Social and Inclusive Communities’ will be held in Hanover, Germany, from 17 to 21 March 2025. In the face of unprecedented urbanisation and environmental challenges, the demand for innovative and sustainable approaches to urban and regional development and design has reached a critical juncture. This is the starting point to further examine and elaborate the concept of circularity. We look forward to welcoming you to AESOP YA Conference 2025 in Hanover.
Dr. Lena Greinke, Dr. Arch. Federica Scaffidi, Dr. Linda Lange & Johanna Richter Ph.D (Local Organising Committee (LOC)).
Further information can be found here: https://aesopyaconference2025.de/ and here: https://www.umwelt.unihannover.de/de/forschung/forschungsprojekte/forschungsprojekt-detailansicht/projects/aesop-young-academic-conference-2025