Institut für Umweltplanung Institut News
A warm welcome to Adrian Rothers

A warm welcome to Adrian Rothers

In January, Dr. Adrian Rothers joined the Environmental Behavior and Planning working group led by Prof. Dr. Ann-Kathrin Koessler.

His work as a researcher focuses on conflicts between different land uses and when and how to address them using conflict transformation approaches. He will also contribute to ongoing research projects of the working group. In teaching, we will offer a practice-oriented seminar on conflict mediation and environmental planning.

Adrian is trained as a social psychologist, holding B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees from Hamburg University and a PhD from Philipps University of Marburg. His PhD thesis focused on social worth experiences, with a particular focus on everyday political discussions. Since completing his PhD, he has studied societal conflicts in various settings, including political divisions, agriculture, and community policing.

Outside of work, Adrian enjoys playing ball sports of all kinds, cooking, and spending time with his family.