Institut für Umweltplanung Institut News
Ein Herzliches Willkommen an Gjylisha Cena, Gastwissenschaftlerin in der AG Umweltverhalten und Planung

Ein Herzliches Willkommen an Gjylisha Cena, Gastwissenschaftlerin in der AG Umweltverhalten und Planung

Gjylisha Cena is a guest researcher on a fellowship program from the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU). This program enables professionals from Eastern European countries to conduct research in collaboration with different research institutions in Germany. Gjylisha has been conducting research on the field of agritourism at the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development from March to July. In August, she joined the Environmental Behavior and Planning working group led by Professor Dr. Ann-Kathrin Koessler.

Gjylisha will focus on exploring the impact of weather conditions on farmers' income uncertainty, perceptions, and adaptation strategies, focusing on income diversification and agri-tourism. She holds a master’s degree in Mediterranean Organic Agriculture and a professional certificate in Environmental Studies. Through her research, Gjylisha aims to understand the motivations behind agritourism activities and how these activities can improve the livelihood of small farmers in the face of climate change.